Gogoro Network 宣佈與遠傳電信共同合作 實現智慧城市願景 遠傳電信成為 PBGN 新夥伴 雙方合作建置智慧交通號誌不斷電系統

 [ 3 月 22 日 - 台北 ] 致力於以更聰明的方式分配及使用能源的 Gogoro Network,與遠傳電信合作開發建置「智慧交通號誌不斷電系統」,由 Gogoro Network® 智慧電池提供交通號誌最即時的電力,並且已在台北街頭實際設置滿三個月。Gogoro Network 繼結合智慧物聯網供給智慧停車柱電力來源後,再度拓展智慧電池應用領域,讓智慧電池生命週期的延展增添應用實例,為實現智慧城市願景邁出大步。


於台北市導入「智慧交通號誌不斷電系統」 停電時發揮作用

可透過「電池交換」持續延長服務時間  將道路交通安全風險降到最低

Gogoro Network 此次攜手遠傳電信設置的智慧交通號誌不斷電系統,使用 Gogoro Network 智慧電池作為電力來源,確保停電時路口號誌不中斷。經測試後,Gogoro Network 智慧電池能使交通號誌不斷電系統維持燈號正常運作達 3.5 小時1,於停電時降低路口風險。

Gogoro Network 在各個路口設置的智慧交通號誌不斷電系統,皆配置兩顆 Gogoro Network 智慧電池,可與遠傳電信的不斷電系統監控平台進行串聯,發揮即時監控功能,並主動發送警告訊息,若有異常狀況,維運團隊能夠及早發現與處裡。即使電力中止供應的時間更長,維運團隊亦可透過「電池交換」方式,抽換低電量電池、換上高電量電池,延長不斷電系統的服務時間,將大幅降低道路交通安全的風險。

其中台北市政府於 2021 年底在台北市忠孝東路五段、松山路口裝設智慧交通號誌不斷電系統進行測試,實際驗證後,面臨 3 月 3 日停電時,使用 Gogoro Network 智慧電池的智慧交通號誌不斷電系統確能及時發揮作用,維持該路口交通號誌運作,智慧交通號誌不斷電系統持續運作近兩個小時,直至該區域電力恢復正常時,交通號誌才恢復以原有的市電供應方式。

Gogoro Network 與遠傳電信攜手合作  實踐循環經濟  打造智慧城市 

為了讓路口交通號誌無預警因供電問題失效之機率降到最低,許多縣市政府今年均已規劃、或有意願導入交通號誌不斷電系統設置標案,Gogoro Network 與遠傳電信亦將積極投入,期待能在更多縣市建置可進行電池交換的智慧交通號誌不斷電系統,提供更佳的智慧城市解決方案。

Gogoro Network 為全球最大、最穩定、最聰明且最多人使用的電池交換系統,已公開展示的智慧交通號誌不斷電系統和智慧停車柱,都是智慧電池生命週期的循環應用方案,未來還可結合更多不同的智慧物聯網裝置,將應用範圍再擴大,透過與智慧城市生態圈業者的創新合作,實踐循環經濟,打造永續、智慧的宜居城市。


1.  3.5 小時係 Gogoro Network 以及台北市政府交通局交工處,於 2022 年 1 月實際於忠孝東路以及松山路口測試之結果,實際待用以及電力備援期間,可能依路口相關燈號設計用電量以及當時使用電池容量有關,數值僅供參考。


關於 Gogoro Network® 智慧電池交換網路 :

Gogoro 提出有別於傳統能源補給的嶄新解決方案 Gogoro Network — 奠基於電池交換與智慧移動服務的開放平台。Gogoro Network 集資訊連結、人工智慧、機器學習於一體,從而建立新一代電池交換與能源補充方式,它能夠聰明且可擴展地根據使用者、不同族群及商業目的,做動態與多元的連續自我優化。Powered by Gogoro Network (PBGN) 方案則提供 Gogoro 車廠夥伴,運用 Gogoro 創新及智慧解決方案(不論是智慧動力總成、控制器、元件或是智慧系統)的商業模式,各個車廠都可以發展與推出整合使用 Gogoro Network 與交換電池的獨特電動車輛。


關於 Gogoro®:

成立於 2011,Gogoro 憑藉創新的力量,改變你我使用能源的方式;透過重新思考都會能源,我們啟發世界不斷地尋找更聰明、更永續的城市移動之道。Gogoro 的電池交換與車輛平台,提供一個智慧、已驗證、且永續的長期生態系,造就了嶄新的都會移動方式。一路走來、我們期許自己在車輛設計、推廣電動化、智慧電池設計、電池交換、利用人工智慧聰明地管理電池供需與安全的先進雲端服務等面向上,持續開創新局。即便這個任務是如此艱鉅,對 Gogoro 而言,有機會挑戰「突破現狀、設立新標準、在我們居住的城市中成就更高規格的永續運輸」等目標更顯難能可貴!更多資訊請搜尋:https://www.gogoro.com/tw/press



​​Forward-looking Statements Disclaimer

This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“Securities Act”), and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Exchange Act”) that are based on beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to Gogoro Inc. (“Gogoro”). In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “continue,” “ongoing,” “target,” “seek” or the negative or plural of these words, or other similar expressions that are predictions or indicate future events or prospects, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including the capability and availability of Gogoro’s technology including Gogoro’s technology and Gogoro’s business plans. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although Gogoro believes that it has a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this communication, Gogoro cautions you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors currently known and projections of the future, which are inherently uncertain. In addition, there are risks and uncertainties described in the proxy statement/prospectus on Form F-4, as amended, which has been  filed by Gogoro with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and other documents filed by Gogoro from time to time with the SEC. These filings may identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Gogoro cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this communication will prove to be accurate. There may be additional risks Gogoro does not presently know and believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward looking statements. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not regard these statements as a representation or warranty by Gogoro, their respective directors, officers or employees or any other person that Gogoro will achieve their objectives and plans in any specified time frame, or at all. The forward-looking statements in this communication represent the views of Gogoro as of the date of this communication. Subsequent events and developments may cause those views to change. However, while Gogoro may update these forward-looking statements in the future, there is no current intention to do so, except to the extent required by applicable law. You should, therefore, not rely on these forward-looking statements as representing the views of Gogoro as of any date subsequent to the date of this communication.


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